Fact Check: Old Image of boy with burn injuries linked to Gaza conflict

The viral image is old and of a Kurdish child.
(Source: Social media screenshot)
(Source: Social media screenshot)

Amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, an image of a child with burn injuries is widely shared on social media. The image is shared with a claim that the boy suffered burns due to white phosphorous bombs dropped by Israeli forces.

A social media user shared the image with a caption that reads, “We Will Never Forget. We Will Fight Back Till Our Last Breath. This child was bombed with US taxpayers' money and dropped by the vilest of the Earth. We Will Never Forget. #FreePalestine.”

Similar posts can be seen here and here.

Fact Check

South Check found the claim to be misleading. We found the image was old and associated with Turkey targeting Kurds.

On doing a Google Reverse Image Search, we found the same image was uploaded by a website, with a text suggesting that it was of Rojava 2019.

The image was also uploaded by GulfNews on October 20, 2019. The article associated with the image suggested that a boy was 13 years old and was a Kurdish. He was badly burned in Syria as Turkey used banned chemical weapons, such as napalm and white phosphorus munitions, against Kurds.

Another website, News Com World also published the same image.

Hence, we can ascertain that the viral claim is misleading.

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