Fact Check: Old video of scuffle falsely linked to farmers' protest in Delhi in 2024

An old video of a farmers’ protest has gone viral with misleading narratives.
(Social media screenshot)
(Social media screenshot)
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Farmers from Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh are marching towards Delhi, demanding the central government provide them with a minimum support price for their crops. 

Their are scuffles reported between police and farmers at Delhi borders, such as Tikri and Singhu. 

In the above backdrop, a video of a scuffle between the police and farmers is widely being shared online. In the video, farmers are seen beating a police person stick. The video is shared  with a caption claiming that it is of the recent farmers’ protest. 

A social media user shared the video with a caption that reads, “इन गुंडों को किसान बता कौन देश के खिलाफ खेल रहा है. #Farmersprotest2024” (Read caption, “Who are these goons who are calling themselves as farmers and playing against the country?”)

Similar posts can be seen here and here.

Fact Check

SouthCheck found the claim to be misleading.

On doing a Google Reverse Image Search, we found the same video was uploaded by a YouTube channel on February 4, 2021. The video was uploaded with a caption that reads, “Violence at Red Fort Delhi by farmers protesters, protesters beat police officer.”

Taking a hint, we searched with appropriate keywords to find a report published by The Times of India on January 26, 2021. The report suggested that a clash broke out near Red Fort between the protesting farmers and the police personnel. 

We then took a screenshot of the viral video, compared it with the other videos of Red Fort, and found that the viral video is of Red Fort. The entrance of the Red Fort is visible in the viral video. 

We found a report by NDTV that suggested that the protesters were wielding swords and lathis at the ramparts, attacking security force personnel during the violence at Red Fort on Republic Day in 2021. 

We also found that while filing the stories, there were no reports of farmers attacking at Red Fort.

Hence, we can ascertain that the viral video is old and no recent reports of clashes at Red Fort have been reported.

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